Exploring Graduate Study in Languages & Linguistics: Panel Discussion

Monday, October 16, 4-5pm
1418 Van Hise Hall

Considering graduate study in languages, literatures, or linguistics, and want to learn from those on the inside? In this panel discussion, attendees will hear from current graduate students in UW-Madison’s languages, literatures, and linguistics programs about applying to graduate programs, how to decide whether to pursue graduate study, life as a graduate student, funding opportunities, and more. Bring your questions for the panelists!

Featured Panelists

Nick Ott (he/him)

Ph.D. Candidate in German & Second Language Acquisition
Gastdoktorand (Guest Researcher) at the Albert Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Lecturer in the Division of Continuing Studies at UW-Madison

Avery Puskas (she/her)

Second year PhD student in Spanish Linguistics, Department of Spanish & Portuguese
Teaching Assistant, Spanish 101/102

Sooyun Siemens (she/her)

Second year MA student, Department of Asian Languages & Cultures
Teaching Assistant in Korean Language Program
Korean Language Community Coordinator

Dr. Katrina Daly Thompson (they/them)

Photo credit: Sam Dutcher

Director, Doctoral Program in Second Language Acquisition
Evjue-Bascom Professor in the Humanities
Professor of African Cultural Studies

Jae Weller (they/them)

Third year Linguistics PhD student in the Language Sciences program
Teaching Assistant for ENGL 100 (Introduction to Composition)